Ming de Nasty’s Tagmasc project explores issues around LGBTQ+ male identity and masculinity from her own queer perspective. Ten photographic portraits and interviews explore how LGBTQ+ men self-identify, how their self-definitions are at odds with cis heteronormative expectations and stereotypical representations of gay men and notions of masculinity.

Covid19 restrictions meant that the original plans of mounting a photographic exhibition had to be reshaped and a website was created to host the work. Portraits and interviews took place when lockdown had ceased at a location where participants felt happy and safe, apart from George and Ryan who were shielding together so were done by each other.
Tagmasc portraits and the audio interviews: www.tagmasc.co.uk
This project is a progression from TAG project in 2018, which looked at LGBTQ+ representations of women. www.mingdenasty.co.uk/tag
“Making Tagmasc has been a totally uplifting and energising experience for me. After a really tough personal year overlapping with the challenges of a pandemic lockdown it has been a refreshing joy to spend time connecting with such warm and open individuals. Thank you all for being so generous with your time and for your frank and candid queernesses. Thank you also to Trevor Pitt for being there throughout. From the tricky days of him gentle nudging me through the application process to his fine and sensitive editing of the audio.”
Artist Bio:
Ming has been a practicing photographer for the past 30 years and worked on projects with local and national arts organisations, with work being exhibited widely in the UK. Her work is socially engaged and participation and collaboration is the foundation of her practice. In 2018 Ming was commissioned by IKON Gallery Birmingham to complete a summer residency on The Slow Boat to create a photographic installation along the Birmingham Canal, Soho Loop.
Her most recent self-initiated project, which concluded in Nov 2018, was TAG a series of photographic studio portraits of LGBTQ+ women in Birmingham that reflects on how they self-identify and the impact of labels on their everyday lives. It was exhibited as part of Shout Arts Festival touring to four different venues during the 2 weeks of the festival. In May 2019 it was exhibited during Birmingham Pride weekend.
Tagmasc is funded by Arts Council England, Shout Festival, Mascnet and sponsored The Flash Centre Birmingham